Who We Are
Mission, Vision, and Values
Flooding the Treasure Coast With the Transformational Love of Jesus
We Will Create, Equip, and Mobilize 610 Disciples by 2030 so that Heaven and Earth Collide on the Treasure Coast
Passionate Worship
We believe that worship is a lifestyle that is lived out in the life of Jesus’s Followers. At First Church we take the Biblical, Spirit filled, and innovative worship that we experience on Sunday morning into our daily lives so that God’s Word is made visible and tangible in the world through us. We are a praying community who believes deeply that God hears us, God cares for us, and that God is with us in every step of the human experience.
Faithful Development
We are deeply invested in the spiritual development of all of God’s children. Therefore, we believe in providing educational, spiritual, and emotional growth opportunities to people of all ages, and encourage all people to take part in classes, Bible studies, and community groups to deepen and strengthen their walk with Christ.
Radical Generosity
Everything belongs to God, and we are simply stewards of God’s gifts to us. This causes us to give extravagantly of our time, our talents, and our finances in order to further the mission of Jesus on the Treasure Coast and around the world. We strive to be accountable, God honoring, and generous with the gifts that we give so that their impact is as widespread as God’s love is.
Missional Outreach
Reaching the world with the transforming love of Christ is our greatest task. Therefore, we are extravagantly invested in outreach opportunities that find, empower, and transform lives. We are also committed to the transformation of communities, both on the Treasure Coast and globally. This task is guided by the servant life of Christ, his sacrificial death on the cross, and the transformational resurrection. We believe that Christ is the ultimate hope of transformation, and that he has invited us into this life. Through outreach we are able to reflect Jesus and further his mission in the world.
Unwavering Inclusivity
We are committed to the beloved community that is created when Jesus’s people truly embrace the universal application of the Gospel, the diverse reality of the Kingdom of God, and the power of the Holy Spirit to bind imperfect humans together in fellowship. First Church is a safe and inclusive home for all people who wish to belong to our community — no ifs, ands, or buts. You are welcome here regardless of age, race, political, sexual, or gender identity. We foster an attitude and atmosphere of respect, honoring the complexities of our world and that we are complex humans trying to understand and know the simple and extravagant love of God. At First Church we take hospitality seriously, in all areas of life, just as Jesus did.